You've got 4 glorious years to study abroad. Here's how to pick the program that best fits your timeline.
So what's an intrepid future explorer to do with all of this choice? It can seem overwhelming at first, but take a deep breath and remember that all of the options just mean that you'll absolutely be able to find a program for you, regardless of what your needs and time commitments or constraints may be. It's important to read reviews of programs you're interested in, but first you need to decide when to study abroad and for how long. So let's break it down and look at the important factors that will help you determine how to make this study abroad experience the best semester, summer, or year ever!
A lowdown of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing the best time to study abroad.- When: Study abroad is an amazing experience, but it's supposed to complement your time at college, not interfere with it. Make sure you plan your study abroad in a way that aligns with your other requirements and responsibilities.
- How long: Study abroad programs vary from a few weeks to a year, so consider your goals for your experience when debating how long to go. If you just want to see a new place, maybe a winter term or short program is fine for you. If you're looking to do a research project or language immersion, a semester or even a year might be best.
- Ultimately: Do what's best for you and your college goals. No, not your best friend and no, not that awkward guy who sits in the corner of your History class. Only you can do you.
- Don't Forget: If you're savvy and upfront with your planning, it's verrrrry possible you'll be able to study abroad more than once!