Undergraduate degrees at US universities typically take four years to complete. The first part of the degree is usually spent studying a wide range of subjects – some required and some electives – after which students choose the subject or subjects on which they want to focus – known as “major(s)”.
You may also earn a “minor” qualification alongside your major by completing classes in an additional field. This is often used to supplement the major degree. For example, business majors often minor in economics, while liberal arts majors may minor in philosophy. Some students also choose minors simply to explore a subject of interest to them without having to commit to a full study of the subject, and regardless of whether it pertains to the field in which they seek employment.
Alabama >Alaska >Arizona >Arkansas >California >Colorado >Connecticut >Delaware >Florida >Georgia >Hawaii >Idaho >Illinois >Indiana >Iowa >Kansas >Kentucky >Louisiana >Maine >Maryland >Massachusetts >Michigan >Minnesota >Mississippi >Missouri >Montana >Nebraska >Nevada >New Hampshire >New Jersey >New Mexico >New York >North Carolina >North Dakota >Ohio >Oklahoma >Oregon >Pennsylvania >Rhode Island >South Carolina >South Dakota >Tennessee >Texas >Utah >Vermont >Virginia >Washington >Washington DC >West Virginia >Wisconsin >Wyoming >